
SpazioLamina EVO #Ossidato Ramato

Decorative systems that evoke the passing of time and transformation of weathered metals.

Urban and post-industrial landscapes are revived in these oxidised surfaces featuring an absolutely unique look. Ideal for ultra-contemporary environments with a huge personality, this is one of the textures that best interprets the scenic sense of living surfaces.

The passing of time and transformation of weathered metals gives metallic surfaces expressive force beyond compare.

The Corten and Copper effects of SpazioLamina#Ossidato succeed in capturing the expressiveness of these surfaces modelled by time, weathering, and human action.

These materials, a genuine kaleidoscope of nuances and textural effects, are ideal not only for ultra-contemporary environments with a huge personality, but also for transforming furnishings and accessories into truly surprising and unique objects.


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Litokol Lab S.p.A.
Via Giovanni Falcone, 13/1
42048 Rubiera (RE) - Italy
Tel +39 0522 622811
Fax +39.0522.620150

Cap. Soc. EURO 400.000 i.v.
Reg. Imprese di R.E. 03079890350 R.E.A. DI R.E. 360926
C.F. - P.IVA IT03079890350
Cod. Meccanograf. di Esposiz. RE 030499
Società con socio unico