Floor and wall coverings in resin

Spaziocontinuo® revolutionizes the world of decorative resins for interiors with an innovative selection of surfaces, material effects and colours, which changes the way of conceiving home furnishings.

Water-based materials, completely eco-sustainable that preserve the quality of the air, safe for the applicator and for the healthiness of the home. They aim at creating environments where floor and wall coverings are much more than just decorated surfaces, but actual sets that make up that very special stage that is our home.

Spaziocontinuo® in fact demonstrates its innovative power right from the start by entrusting the creative concept of colour and collections to a very special artist, the Modenese stage painter Rinaldo Rinaldi.

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Litokol Lab S.p.A.
Via Giovanni Falcone, 13/1
42048 Rubiera (RE) - Italy
Tel +39 0522 622811
Fax +39.0522.620150
E-mail info@litokol.it

Cap. Soc. EURO 400.000 i.v.
Reg. Imprese di R.E. 03079890350 R.E.A. DI R.E. 360926
C.F. - P.IVA IT03079890350
Cod. Meccanograf. di Esposiz. RE 030499
Società con socio unico