
A tasteful bar in Alba created using Spaziocontinuo

An exclusive bar in Alba in Piedmont has been renovated using the Spaziocontinuo line of home furnishing resins in a highly creative fashion.

SpazioCemento was chosen for the flooring, with its spatulate effect and granular finish that pairs beautifully with the insertion of antique-style cement tiles. While the versatile water-based, polyurethane enamel ResinaArredo was selected for the renovation of the furniture, radiators and furnishing accessories.

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Litokol Lab S.p.A.
Via Giovanni Falcone, 13/1
42048 Rubiera (RE) - Italy
Tel +39 0522 622811
Fax +39.0522.620150

Cap. Soc. EURO 400.000 i.v.
Reg. Imprese di R.E. 03079890350 R.E.A. DI R.E. 360926
C.F. - P.IVA IT03079890350
Cod. Meccanograf. di Esposiz. RE 030499
Società con socio unico